My life in a blog

This blog is events in my life and my thoughts and feelings.
This year (2015) I am going to include my makes too.

Click on pictures to enlarge.

Sunday 27 March 2011

Census 2011

Today is Census Day. It may be the last one ever as it is apparently so expensive to carry out and most of the information from it is already recorded in different ways. However Sam & I will dutifully fill ours in this evening.
The last Census was in 2001 - how things have changed for both of us since then! I wonder how they will have changed if there is another one in 10 years time!

* Census completed online.

British Summer Time Begins

Today is the start of British Summer Time - and, surprisingly, it is a nice day. I have been busy sorting the garden ready for the move and Sam did a dry run to Wellingborough Station on her moped, which is now all ready to use.
Boodle has also been taking advantage of the nice day and has been sunning herself in the garden. I have put the cat carrier in the living room so she can get used to it being around and maybe not get so stressed out on moving day.

Friday 25 March 2011

Will it, won't it?

Well, will it be the day our contract exchange finally takes place? It seems it might be - but I'm not holding my breath. If it does all go through then our moving date will be 8th April! We should know by 4.30 today!

UPDATE - Well a good job I am not holding my breath as it appears that our buyers are actually NOT ready to go - despite Sam being told they were! Well can things be sorted in the next half an hour? Probably not!

No exchange today - maybe Monday or Tuesday.

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Another Goodbye

This time goodbye to Frank, Sam's little black Yaris. He has been a great car but now she is commuting every day we only need one car. He is off to his new home and hopefully many more miles of motoring!
On a good note Kiwi sailed through her MOT today so is ready to be the sole car in the household - and she will have a garage to live in in our new home!

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Goodbye Alby

We will miss you little Alby x

Tuesday 15 March 2011


Feels like we are never going to get a moving date - but there doesn't appear to be anything holding things up.
We have signed contracts now - so hopefully we will hear something by the end of the week.
I have done lots of packing and feel quite organised - which is good as I am going lots of agency work at the moment. Most of it is in Cambridge but I am doing an 8 - 6 shift in Bromham tomorrow!