My life in a blog

This blog is events in my life and my thoughts and feelings.
This year (2015) I am going to include my makes too.

Click on pictures to enlarge.

Friday 29 April 2011

Royal Wedding Day

I have enjoyed watching the wedding of William and Kate. A real sense of being British and the pomp that only the Brits can do so well!

Lets hope they are as happy as Sam and I are :

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Lovely Easter Weekend

Sam and I have had a lovely weekend in our new home. All the new bedroom furniture is assembled and fits beautifully in the space. Sam put some shelves up in the cupboard under the stairs and I have started altering curtains to fit the french doors.

On Easter Sunday we had a BBQ with Pip, Liam, Kate and Liz which was great fun and very relaxing. Charlotte planned to join us but unfortunately couldn't at the last minute. Much food and alcohol was partaken and Sam proved herself an expert with the cooking.

Pip tried out her new skates - which at last arrived in the right size and colour, while we all watched admiringly.

Yesterday our broadband was switched on so Sam worked her magic and we are now connected. I shall post some pictures on previous blog posts so our progress can be seen!!

Wednesday 20 April 2011


I saw on Vickie's blog that Jerry's new hobby is surfing. Sam and I have also been doing some surfing - rug surfing. For this great new hobby all you need is highly polished laminate flooring and a rug! For this kind of surfing you don't need to wait for a wave you can do it anytime in any room. Sometimes it can catch you unawares if you rush into a room to grab something quickly. Like most sports, injuries can occur - Sam has already sustained one from a nifty move on the bedroom rug!

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Settling In!

Well the new house is starting to feel like home now. We get an extra hour in bed as Sam doesn't have to leave so early for the station now. It is a very pleasant ten minute walk away with frequent trains into London. I shall use the train to go into town - it is £3.00 return so cheaper than parking and a lot less hassle.

Boodle has settled in well, although keeps getting shut outside as she hasn't worked out how to get from the back garden to her cat flap at the front yet. I saw her use the flap on her own today for the first time. Up to now she had been 'helped' through it!

I am working through the boxes at a rapid pace now and most rooms are clear. Some of our new bedroom furniture arrives tomorrow so we will be able to sort out the master bedroom. I haven't get tackled the garage but might make a start on that this afternoon.
Cutting the lawn and pulling up a few weeds has made the garden look presentable. I have plans for the back and front gardens - but not starting until the house is sorted out.

It is irritating not being able to post any pictures. Once the broadband is up and running I will post some.

Sunday 17 April 2011

Goodbye Little Boris

Little Boris has gone to join Alby - so thats two of our old boys gone now. Boris had a full and happy last few months with us and was active till the end.
Luckily our new boy, Ignatius has settled in well now and the other two don't seem too unhappy without Boris who was the Rat Pack Leader. I wonder who will become top rat now!

Boris checking Ignatius is settling in ok.

Friday 15 April 2011

Here at last!

Well we finally made it - moved successfully into our new home today, without too many hitches!

One slight last minute blip when the solicitor rang to ask Sam if she had been made bankrupt - unsurprisingly she hasn't - but someone with the same name had!

Our pantechnicon had a slight encounter with the dustcart but other than that the day went smoothly. Dad joined us in Luton to lend a hand and Charlotte and Ian came along after work to join in. Together we sorted out the guest bedroom, that Sam and I are using at the moment, so there is an oasis of calm in the middle of a huge pile of boxes.

On a positive note Boo seems settled and happy in her new home. We were worried she might be stressed but she seems to be finding her feet.
Sam and I are loving being here - it has been worth the wait.

Thursday 14 April 2011

Last Day

This is our last day here in Rushden. I think we are just about prepared for the big move tomorrow. There are boxes everywhere you look! Just a few jobs for Sam to do like disconnecting washing machine and sorting out TV.
I am cooking a fish pie for tea - to use up some bits from the freezer and a surplus of potatoes - but just realised I have packed the masher - going to take a long time with a fork!
Have pot roasted a piece of beef for rolls tomorrow - so we won't go hungry!
Will be strange living in a new house after five years here - but really excited about making it our new home.
Boodle wanted to know we would take care of her during the move so she sat here -

Monday 11 April 2011

Count Down

We are counting down the hours to our house move. I am sorting all the last bits and pieces that can be packed before the day- it feels like I have been packing for months!
We have ordered some new bedroom furniture as we will have an extra bedroom now. We have decided to go for white for a fresh modern feel. It should arrive a couple of days after we move in.
We are also looking to replace our sofas but as yet have not found anything we both like. Maybe we will find something once we have moved in as we will have a better idea of the space then.

Friday 8 April 2011

Start of the 'Lasts'

As our moving day is next Friday today is the start of the 'lasts' - last Friday living here, our last weekend in Rushden and I am sure there will be more.
In some ways I shall be sad to leave this little house - it has been nice living here. Sam and I sat out in the garden and had a drink last night and the only sound was a bird singing - I doubt it will be that quiet in Luton. However it will be good to be close to family and have more options for going out. Living in a bigger house will also be great!

Monday 4 April 2011


We have a new member of the Rat Pack - little Ignatius, or Iggie as he is fast becoming. His name needed to begin with an 'I' to keep the alphabet thing going. He is around 9ths old - so a lot younger than the other boys. It will take a while to get him settled into the pack, but so far so good.

Friday 1 April 2011


We have finally exchanged - yay !! It has been a nerve racking day and went right to five o'clock before we heard it had happened. Moving date is 15th April 2011 - two weeks today!