My life in a blog

This blog is events in my life and my thoughts and feelings.
This year (2015) I am going to include my makes too.

Click on pictures to enlarge.

Saturday 24 November 2012

Goodbye Rats

We have lost two more of our rats -Spot died a few weeks ago - and Smudge died this evening. That leaves us with just Twinny - again. We will have to make sure he gets lots of attention as rats are such social creatures.

Sunday 4 November 2012

Welcome Casey

We have adopted a little Staffy called Casey. She is three years old and is a pretty grey colour. We went to look at her a few weeks ago at the RSPCA Centre near Potters Bar and have spent time considering if she is the right dog for us. She has epilepsy, controlled by tablets and is a true hermaphrodite. The first time they met Pixel and Casey got on well - and they seemed fine when we went back for a second visit - so we brought her home.

A quick trip to Pets At Home kitted her out with a bed, lead, collar etc. and we let her and Pixel make friends in the house. All seems to be going well so far! Casey is a little underweight and will need feeding up and we have to give her her medication twice a day - which she takes in a bit of sausage.
She needs some training - but is very willing and already knows 'off' and 'sit' and will give you her paw. I hope it continues to go well.

Saturday 3 November 2012


The family gathered at Mum and Dad's for a Hallowe'en / Birthday get together. We all brought along takeaways of our choice - Sam, Charlotte, Ian and I had fish and chips and picked up a KFC for Mum and Dad. After eating we played a few games - which were hilarious!
I have some photos to add later

Friday 2 November 2012

Australian Visitor - Last Week

Monday 29th October
Vickie spent the morning at home with Liam - he got a call from Harrods offering him a Christmas temp job in the wine department - go Liam!! He has two days of induction starting tomorrow.
We had lunch together and then walked down to Marsh Road shops. Half way there we got a call to collect Pip from the hospital so walked back. We dropped both her and Liam at the station as they both need to be back in London. Vickie and I had attempt two at going to Marsh Road shops - we had just parked when Pip rang to say she had forgotten something - so back home we went. At attempt three we made it to the shops - but got caught in a heavy shower of rain!
Sam, Vickie and I had dinner together - Dawn, Pip's Godmother, was to have joined us but she was unwell so couldn't. We had an early night as Sam is on earlies this week.

Tuesday 30th October
Vickie had a day home alone today as the young ones were still in London and Sam and I were at work. We went out in the evening with Vickie's friend Deb to have a carvery at the Moat House.

Wednesday 31st October
Vickie and I went into Dunstable this morning to do a few bits and pieces. Pip came home early and made some Halloween cupcakes.We then waited for Denise and Tony to arrive for lunch - they eventually arrived at 4.30! Charlotte came over after Sam got home from work. Pip and Sam carved two pumpkins. Once Denise and Tony had gone home we had dinner and sat chatting. Charlotte said goodbye to Vickie as she won't see her again before her flight.

Thursday 1st November
 I was at work today and as Pip didn't need to be at the hospital until 9.00 I didn't drop her off. Instead Vickie walked her up to the hospital with Pixel.
When I got home we walked down to the library to print off Vickie's boarding pass and get a few bits in Lidl - Vickie struggled to see the numbers on the pin machine - she felt she needed to be shorter but the assistant showed her how to lift it up!
We all had dinner together - vegan spag bol followed by icecream and fruit - very delicious!
We spent Vickie's last evening chilling, watching tv and chatting.

Friday 2nd November

Sam swapped her early today so she had time to say goodbye to her mum this morning. I went into work an hour late so I could take Vickie and Pip to Luton airport to catch the coach to Heathrow ready for Vickie's flight. Six weeks has gone so quickly - we have done lots and had a great time being all together again!