My life in a blog

This blog is events in my life and my thoughts and feelings.
This year (2015) I am going to include my makes too.

Click on pictures to enlarge.

Friday 31 July 2015

July Photo Diary - Week Five

29th - 31st July

This isn't naughty!

Playdough fun

Wednesday 29 July 2015

On the Move

Little Rowan is on the move - he is rolling everywhere at speed!

A bit slippery on this floor!

Tuesday 28 July 2015

July Photo Diary - Week Four

22nd - 28th July



Love my wellies!

Pleased to be out after the rain!

Sunday 26 July 2015

Climbing Cube

As we have had a few wet days and realised that Marcus needs a way to use some energy indoors we decided to buy him a climbing cube. I found a preloved one on a Facebook Selling site for £40 and we went to collect it.It was a bargain as they sell for around £250 new!
Sam gave it a good clean with the pressure washer then we erected it in the garage. Marcus loves it - he likes hiding his treasures underneath it!

Cleaning time!

Clicks easily together

Great for climbing!

All finished

Saturday 25 July 2015


Sam found a set of basin taps at the car boot for £2.55 - they would have been about £60 new. She gave them a soak in lemon juice and vinegar and they came up as good as new - the lemon juice worked best.
Then it was a fairly straightforward job to plumb them in - they are a good match for the bath taps and look really nice. What a bargain!
We also got a really nice headboard for the bed that Marcus is growing into - and that T uses when he comes to stay - only £2.50! 

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Fun at the Park

Hanna brought the boys over to play and we had a little walk down to the park where they all had fun!

On Marcus's train

Wait for me!


Look at me Marcus!

July Photo Diary - Week Three

15th - 21st July

At the park

Lovely cherries!

At the station

Music man

Love breakfast!

Thursday 16 July 2015

Seventeen Months Today!

Marcus is now seventeen months - how quickly time goes! He has had a lovely month spending lots of time in the garden as the weather has been sunny.
 Marcus can now kick a ball - something we discovered at Theo's sports day as we don't often have a ball out at home because of Casey. He is also learning to jump - he has the bending knees part but no lift as yet. His running is improving as he can practice safely on the trampoline. A favourite game is running away from Mummy and giggling.
Marcus uses his spoon and fork most of the time now - unless he is really hungry. He can climb into his high chair and is able to pour himself some milk too. If you tell him food is hot he makes a little sucking noise then blows on it. He tests it on his lip before eating.
Marcus has been developing his climbing skills and can get onto the bar stool now - and from there onto the worktop!
Marcus still likes to copy everything we do - at the moment he enjoys sweeping or mopping and following me round with his toy vacuum cleaner. He loves to give cuddles and kisses too.
Marcus understands instructions such as 'find your shoes' or 'climb on your bike' - and he will generally do as you ask. He says 'baa baa' - which is a general animal noise for everything from a sheep to a dog! He will also say it if he wants you to sing Baa Baa Black Sheep - a favourite song.
Bedtime stories are popular - although they need to be short and have things to feel or flaps to lift to keep his attention. He is still having a bottle at bedtime - but just the one a day.
We have started potty training - sitting on the pot at every nappy change and sometimes does a wee!

Watering fun

Love the hose pipe!

Pouring milk

Learning to jump!

First potty experience

Helping Mummy Sam

Tuesday 14 July 2015

July Photo Diary - Week Two

8th - 14th July

Playing with Rowan

Watching Theo's Sports Day

Open Garden Day in Harlimgton

Helping to measure