My life in a blog

This blog is events in my life and my thoughts and feelings.
This year (2015) I am going to include my makes too.

Click on pictures to enlarge.

Saturday 17 December 2011

New painting

The new painting that Sam & I commissioned arrived this week. It is for our bedroom and is in shades of purple with gold. I love it - its a very beautiful abstract and I can see something new in it every time I look at it. It is by the same artist as the painting we have in the living room - Sarah Louise Ewing. I will take a photo and post it but it is similar to this one, but a long thin rectangle shape.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Goodbye Clive

Little Clive has gone to be with Boris & Alby - we will miss him!

Friday 9 December 2011

Exciting day!

Today is Robin's 29th birthday, Pip and Liam's 1st anniversary and we completed on our new house - what a nice day!