My life in a blog

This blog is events in my life and my thoughts and feelings.
This year (2015) I am going to include my makes too.

Click on pictures to enlarge.

Sunday 31 January 2016

January Photo Diary - Week Five

29th - 31st January 2016

Hiding in Mummy's bed!

Out for breakfast - celebrating mummy Sam's new job!

Thursday 28 January 2016

January Photo Diary - Week Four

22nd - 28th January 2016

New scooter lights!

Its a mushroom

Big boy pants!

Potty time books

New construction vehicles!

Friday 22 January 2016

Sore Chin

 Poor Marcus had an accident right at the end of our session at 360 Soft Play in MK. He twisted sideways and caught his chin on the raised edge of the slide. He cried a bit but didn't look hurt at first till be realised he had a star shaped cut under his chin.

The staff at 360 were not particularly skilled at first aid but we got him patched up and I dropped Sam and Marcus at A&E in the Luton and Dunstable Hospital. I then drove back to Harlington to give Christopher back to his parents - he had been with us for the day while Jennifer and Jonathan went to London to see a show and celebrate Jon's 40th birthday. It started snowing as I drove back.

After Christopher had gone home I set off back to the hospital where Marcus has been assessed and was waiting to have his chin glued. Sadly the glue didn't hold and the plan was to return the next day to have the laceration stitched under General Anaesthetic. He had to be starved from midnight and no fluids after 4am - so he was pretty grouchy when he woke up.

After gluing
We had to be up early on Sunday morning to get to the Paediatric Ward by 7.30 - and it had snowed over nigh so the car needed clearing off before we could leave. Luckily the roads were ok so we got there in plenty of time. Sam dropped Marcus and I off and went to park the car.

The staff were expecting us and greeted Marcus by name. We were given a little room to ourselves and he settled down to watch Postman Pat on the tv.

Cuddle with Mummy Sam before going to theatre

After the necessary paperwork and a chat with the Maxfax team and anaethetist we quickly went up to theatre. Marcus didn't want to put the hospital gown on so we carried him up with it just wrapped round him. It was about 9.30 am. We had been told only one of us would be able to go in with Marcusbut the head of the Maxfax team said it was fine for us both to go in.
After an unsuccessful try to put a cannula in the anaethetist used gas and a little mask.Marcus quickly went to sleep. 
We were called back up to Recovery just before 10.30 am - Marcus was screaming and kicking.This continued for at least half an hour - then he had a big burp and calmed down.

Recovering after anaesthetic
 He was soon having a drink of water, quickly followed by a chocolate milkshake and toast and marmite. Marcus was not keen on having his obs done - so we had to distract / bribe him to get them done. His temperature and saturation levels were fine but the nursing staff were concerned that his heart rate was high - up to around 150 beats per min.They decided to repeat it in an hour after lunch.
By now Marcus was calm enough to watch some Bing on the laptop - good job Sam thought to take it.

Watching Bing

Chin all stitched
Marcus enjoyed the lunch - he must be the only person to say yum yum to hospital food ! He tucked into it and cleared his plate.

Shepherds pie

Ice-cream and cake!

We got a nurse to check Marcus's heart rate again after lunch and she spoke with the surgical team. They said his hear rate was high in A&E too so were happy for him to go home - it must be normal for him. We left about 2.30 - with some eye cream to apply twice a day, apparently it reduces scarring!

18th Jan
19th Jan

21st Jan

20th Jan
22nd Jan
23rd Jan
24th Jan
We saw the GP on Friday 22nd and she said if the stitches hadn't dissolved by Monday 25th they would need to be removed. There was no sign that they had dissolved at all over the weekend.

We went back to the surgery on the 25th and the GP and nurse removed the stitches - there is just one tiny stitch remaining which is stuck in the scab and should come out when the scab falls off. Marcus didn't cry too much and stopped as soon as he saw the snack for afterwards. Everything is healing up nicely!

25th Jan stitches gone!
26th Jan - hiding!

27th Jan

30th Jan

8th Feb - still a bit red but well healed now!

Thursday 21 January 2016

January Photo Diary 2016 - Week Three

15th - 21st Jan 2016

Choosing pudding

Eating Pudding

Soft play fun

Playing with Christopher

We can do it!

Poor chin!


Love hospital food!

Breakfast with Olu

Chocolate hamper from Nanny and Granddad

Watching the tree surgeon!

Dustbin day!

Fun in the park

I fit!