My life in a blog

This blog is events in my life and my thoughts and feelings.
This year (2015) I am going to include my makes too.

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Wednesday 16 November 2016

Monthly Update -2 years 9 months

16 November 2016

Marcus seems such a big boy now. He forms complex sentences of 7/8 words, has a great memory for detail and comprehends whatever you say to him. He knows his colours and understands numbers up to 4. He has an awareness of bigger numbers even if he can't count to them. Marcus also has an awareness of money - he loves taking coins from his moneybox to the postoffice to buy sweets. When playing shops Marcus will tell you how much things cost too - although these are sometimes very high! He is still struggling with the C sound - cuddle and kiss are tuddle and tis and Casey is Hasey- but we are working on it.

Krispy Creme time

Collecting leaves

Running free

Animal lover!

Gingerbread biscuit

Looking for acorns

Not at all frightened of fireworks

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Tarry me!

 Marcus loves to be outside - and really enjoys scrunching in the autumn leaves and collecting acorns.

Bedtime is a little challenging at the moment - as is getting dressed but Marcus is motivated by a story or a sticker. Marcus is good at undressing and making an attempt to dress himself.

Favourite toys and games are still Duplo, trains and dustbin lorries - as well as riding his balance bike. Marcus enjoys playdough, painting and drawing too.

Halloween decorations

Potty training is going well - generally he goes out and about just in pants - unless he is likely to fall asleep in the car. Marcus has taken his nappy off a couple of mornings this month and done a wee before waking us up.

Marcus still doesnt like other children in his personal face - and will hide his face if an unfamiliar adult talks to him. He is great friends with Christopher still and very gentle with babies. He is learning to be gentle with the doggies too!

Marcus and Rowan have a love hate relationship atm

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